Over the years this statement has come to sum up my life. Nothing has gone as I planned (not that I've done much big picture planning), most everything that is happening now is unexpected, and I've learned there is a serious limit to how much I can control. But you know what? I am completely content and joyful in my life. Even though most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing, there is a certain magic to going with the flow.
I brief sum up of my life thus far: I was born in New Jersey, moved to LA, started college in San Francisco, transferred, and finished college in Baltimore. All the while I visited friends and family on both coasts. People always ask me which coast I like most and I honestly can't choose. I am most definitely a coastal person though, because I love the diversity in culture. I have picked up some cultural traits from friends around the world and regular trips to London and NOLA. I consider myself a weird mashup of many places. And I couldn't be more proud.
If you want to read more about me and my story, go here.
I hope you enjoy my blog and are inspired to get lost in the right direction!