This is Halloween
This Halloween, I decided to do something a little different. Usually I go to a house party or barhopping, But when my coworker invited me to a party bus traveling to multiple haunted houses? I was in.
Since Back to the Future Day was this year, I dressed up as Jennifer from Part 2 & 3. I re-used the white button down from my Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction costume last year and found a vest and leggings at Forever21. I found the shoes in my dad's closet (and I'm pretty sure they are actually from the 80s). I was also able to use the Minnie Mouse watch from my childhood. Thankfully, my mum did my 80s hair for me. Apparently, this is what she used to do with her hair every day. I'm the type of person that maybe spends 5 minutes on my hair, so this was rather extensive
The party buss (or rather, trolly) had music, lights, booze and snacks on board to make the commute from place to place much more fun. We went to 3 haunted houses in various places around the city, each one increasing in scare factor. Stop 1 was Boney Island. This one was much more family friendly. Full of puns and photo ops, it was a great way to start the night.
This was my favourite pun. I am a member of Huntington Gardens, after all.
This was a treehouse you could take a tour of. Right in front of it, every few minutes there was a water show with cauldrons and music.
Stop 2, Wilsley Bros. Mining Co., was more of a traditional haunted house, so I didn't get many pictures. There were a lot of cool effects and fun screams. They went for a haunted mine shaft/wild west theme.
There was a skeleton prostitute say punny things to the people who exited the house.
Stop 3 was by far the scariest. It's wasn't give you nightmares scary, but it was far creepier than Stop 2. They went for a mad science, post-apocolyptic future thing. There were a lot of creepy half-human, half pig mutated mannequins and rotting corpses and stuff.
I love how Freddie is creepin on the roof.
The perfect way to end the night was at a house party with a great live band. We sat around the fire, finished up our drinks and talked.
This was definitely the best Halloween I've had in a while. It was nice to get out and try something new.
Photographed by: myself & Connor McMullin