Won't Back Down

A few weeks ago, I got ready to post about my trip to Route 91 in 2016. I figured a year later would be a good time to post about it.
To say I was heartbroken when I heard the news is an understatement. My stomach turned inside out. It was difficult to swallow. I felt completely numb. The more news I read about it, the more horrified I became.
My friends were there. By some miracle they decided to leave before Jason Aldean's set. I was supposed to be there too. It sold out before I got my tickets. If you read my last post, you know that I lost one of my best friends this year. I was a matter of minutes and 1 decision away from possibly losing two more. I am so grateful they are safe. However, I do know people that lost loved ones.
I don't want to focus on the tragedy of that night though. I want to focus on what Route 91 means to me.
Route 91 was the one weekend in the year when I gave myself a true vacation. I left work behind me and fully let lose. The people that go to Route are so accepting, I knew I could be whatever I wanted to be in that moment. Everyone is there to drink beer and celebrate amazing live music. I would always feel free, and more relaxed than ever. I know I'm not the only one that felt that way.
hat: Down 'n Dirty Hats // top: H&M // shorts: Forever 21 // boots: Boots & Jeans
Jana Kramer
This amazing guy was back! He danced all 3 days.
Chris Janson
Allow me to introduce you to the luckiest girl in the world. Not only was Emmylou on stage this year, she was on stage last year as well!
Toby Keith
I almost didn't post this at all. But since that day, the spirit of the festival has become stronger. People have come together to shout WE WON'T BACK DOWN. This won't stop us from living our lives and sharing music. It's interesting to me that Tom Petty died right after this night. While his loss is also deeply felt, it seemed to be no coincidence his inspiring song was playing in tribute to him. Because it was also a tribute to Route 91.
Anything can happen to you. Unfortunately in today's world, it seems more likely than ever horrible things will happen. But we need to be resilient. We need to live our lives however we want. We need to not back down.
Photos by: Lexi Rivera & myself