Mardi Gras 2016, Day 3

After another lazy morning, we all got dressed and ready for an incredibly important activity - brunch. Thanks to the suggestion of Caroline's sister Sam, we went to the High Hat.
Since Parkway only has fried oyster po'boys on Thursdays, I took this opportunity to get one here. All I can say is YUM. With a side of cheesy grits, I was in food heaven.
The food in New Orleans is generally amazing no matter where you go, but I do have a few favourites. I can offically add this place to that list. I didn't get to go to Dat Dog this year, but I know I will be back again and I will be sure to do a featured blog post on it then.
Here's the outside of Dat Dog on Feret
Some awesome street art on Feret
These are the 610 Stompers, one of the most entertaining groupe in Mardi Gras. They were actually in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade recently!
These guys were just chilling on their roof. They waved to us.
With food in our bellies and beer in our hands, we leisurely walked over to Campus Connection for some extra parade gear. Naturally, I got another tutu.
You can't quite see it, but my pants are purple and I have sequin green booty shorts. My shirt has the names of krewes on them.
Time has a way of slowing down in the Big Easy., and fully embraced that. We took another leisurely stroll back to our room to get changed for parading. This time, we wanted to make sure we got there early because this year's Orpheus King was none other than the absolutely amazing Nathan Fillion.
Needless to say I kind of died when I saw him so close. I was way to excited to get a good picture. But I can say he is really does look exactly like how he does on TV and in movies. If you are reading this and don't know who Nathan Fillion is, you absolutely have to go here to learn more. He is an actor that is a MUST to know about. If you are just getting introduced to him, start with Firefly. It's all on Netflix. I encourage you to binge your little heart out.
These guys are in every night parade.
Here are the 610 Stompers I mentioned earlier, in action.
Since Orpheus fell on Lunar New Year, they did a lot of beautiful Chinese inspired floats.
After Orpheus we stopped at one of my favourite places for cocktails, the Columns. These people know how to craft their cocktails. I alwasy get an Old Fashioned here. It's one of my favourite drinks but it is also a drink most commonly messed up. Not here though.
On our way back, we stopped at a crepe place next to the Boot on Tulane campus (the Boot is a great place to people watch. It's ironic because all of the freshmen go there to be cool, but once you're old enough to legally drink, you see how much of an armpit it actaully is. Therefore, it's an entertaining end to the night to grab some of their delicious cheesy fries and watch all the young ones). We went to the crepe place rather than the Boot, but it is still nice to end the day with a yummy treat.
Photographed by: Caroline Reich & myself.