
top: Descanso Gardens // shorts: Forever21 // shoes: Band Lino
As much as I wish I could wear this shirt with black pants and boots, it's still in the 80s here in LA. This is as close to fall as I can get. I got this shirt at the Rise of the Jack O'Lanterns last year, and it's perfect for Halloween. I wanted to class it up a bit with nice black flats.
Shoutout to Jack & Liberty for creating an awesome October playlist! You can find it here. This is one of my favourite Halloween-y songs, especially for parites.
My bosses told my coworker and I about the crazy house across the street from them. It's ironic because they don't like scary things. But after work one day, my coworker and I decided to take a look before a scary movie night.
Photographed by: myself & Lexi Rivera