#tbtOOTD // All of the Day and All of the Night

My main goal with shopping is always to find "that one piece." You know what I mean. This jacket is one of those pieces. I rarely wear navy so I can't always figure out how to wear it, but I love this jacket.
As I mentioned last week, I am now giving my tbt ootds a rating. This is the scale I settled on (from not so great to YAS!):
fail --> meh --> I see what you were trying to do --> sassy snap --> WINNING
This week's outfit is ::drumroll:: sassy snap
The jacket makes the outfit. The top is also pretty baller. But the rest of it is playing pretty safe.
top: ? // jeans: Zara // jacket: ? // heels: Steve Madden
In my notes I called this look "British Invasion." It's also a pretty solid day to night outfit. And thus, my song selection.
Photos by: Lexi Rivera