#tbtOOTD // Teenage Grafiti

So... it's been a while. So long in fact, that most of the pictures I have to post are 2 years old.
And thus, I present to you #tbt ootd. Every Thursday, I'll post one of these old outfits. Looking back, I still like some of them. And others... not so much. But I will still post them! Because this is a journey folks, and not every step is pretty. But it's the truth.
In High School, I used to consider myself rock/punk. To this day, it's fun to go back to those trends. I would call this more 90s inspired then punk inspired. You can never go wrong with a flannel around your waist (I clearly believe this, since it was also in my previous post).
shirt: Florence + the Machine Merch // pants: HUE // flannel: Old Navy // shoes: ? (don't have them anymore)
Also in High School, I LOVED the Hot Pink album by the Pink Spiders. It matched my mood at the time. Listening to it again now, I've got to say - it holds up.
Photos by: Lexi Rivera