Could I Be

One word to describe my fashion sense: eclectic. I have many different moods and styles.
Today I would say my style is modern classic. You can never go wrong with a striped shirt, dark jeans, and a trench. The way I add my own twist to it is accessories. I love combining masculine and feminine.
shirt: ROMWE // leggings: HUE // shoes: Franco Sarto // neckalce: J Crew // trench: Kenneth Cole
I think Sylvan Esso does that with their music. They are a classic girl-guy pairing with great chemistry. I've listened to a few interviews with them and they are people I would love to meet and have a conversation with. I absolutely fell in love with their first album and cannot wait for the next. Their music is perfect for any mood I'm in, and always leaves me feeling relaxed, motivated, and in a good mood.
I am very honoured to say this is my first official outfit post, and it was photographed by Daniel Kordello.
Have you ever met a person and intantly knew they would be your friend for a long time? That's how I felt with Daniel. He is an incredibly talented illustrator based in Poland. For the past few years, he has been working with Blogilates and that's how we met. Every once in a while, he visits the office and stays in LA. Through various circumstances, he needed a place to stay for a week so I offered my place. I live about an hour's dirve away from my office, so we had a lot of time to get to know each other. From the moment we got in the car, we would talk the entire way.
I am so grateful that Daniel is in my life. Not only is he an incredible and sweet person, he is entirely non-judgemental. I knew I could talk to him about anything and everything. But he is also one of the most encouraging people I've ever met.
It was very important to me that he took the pictures for my first OOTD because of this. He always makes me feel amazing about myself. It's one thing to compliment a person's looks (and those are always wonderful), but Daniel goes a step further. He compliments your personality. I would definitely argue that those compliments are the absolute best.
I hope he knows what an impact he has had on me and how wonderful he is.